NL11.10 Merry Christmas . Dennis and Penny Krueger . View a Christmas video, and see photos and videos of Southport, Winding River, and coastal NC.
Merry Christmas . Dennis and Penny Krueger
Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Feliz Navidad, Seasons Greetings
Dennis and Penny Krueger See a Christmas video, and view pictures of Southport, Oak Island, and the Brunswick County area of southeastern NC. Visit the Old Yacht Basin area, the marina, and the Southport Waterfront Park, and shop the stores and businesses at Southport, Oak Island, Shallotte, Leland, and the Brunswick County small towns and beaches.
Dine in the restaurants, diners, and local eateries at Southport, Oak Island, and Calabash, and see the Oak Island Lighthouse and museums in the Caswell Beach, Oak Island, and Brunswick County area of coastal and southeastern North Carolina.
Contact Dennis and Penny .. Dennis 910-279-0989 .. Penny 910-279-0990
View Arbor Creek, The Landing at Southport, Cades Cove, and subdivisions in the Southport area. Find St James Plantation and Boiling Spring Lakes communities, and see Palmetto Creek, Winding River Plantation, and Bolivia North Carolina subdivisions. Browse the Southport NC, Brunswick County, and Oak Island blogs, see Carolina Here videos and pictures, and view the Krueger Team Newsletter.
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